If you’re looking for ways to maximize your budgets for 2017, consider retrofitting your commercial lighting from incandescent to LED energy efficient lights and take advantage of the instant cost rebate offered by the City of Fort Collins.

Keep the Lights On

The Classic Adage

Business owners love to refer to the fixed costs of their company as “keeping the lights on.” This adage is strangely fitting when we look at the cost savings between incandescent and LED energy efficient lights. When you retrofit your facility to feature energy efficient LED lights, your lights will likely cost around 7 times less to operate (10 dollars per hour compared to 70 dollars per hour, for example), so it is quite literally easier to keep the lights on.

Real Instant Rebates

When you work with Power Down, LLC in Fort Collins, we will take care of filing and receiving the instant rebates from the city to instantly reduce your cost; we offer no waiting, no worrying, just less cost for you. While that sounds great, the rebates are made even better by the sheer amount, which can often range between 25 to 50 percent of the total project cost according to the City of Fort Collins Utilities.


In addition to the host of financial benefits, the convenience that energy efficient lights provide can often rival the electricity savings. With many bulbs rated for projected performance years beyond their incandescent counterparts, you won’t have to break out the big ladder or call an electrician to replace higher bulbs nearly as often, if ever again. The longevity of the LED lights is more than enough to motivate many Fort Collins businesses to make the switch, with everything else being a nice bonus.

Contributing to City Vision

One other major perk that making the switch to energy efficient LED lighting offers is the satisfaction in knowing that, in no small way, your business is contributing to the city vision to be carbon neutral by 2050. In our previous blog, we talked extensively about the importance and significance of this mission in regard to residential and commercial solar panels; LED lighting falls into a similar category of incredible energy efficiency. While saving money on your electric bill, your business is also reducing the strain on the city’s power grid, therefore making energy more accessible and affordable for all.

Let Us Help

At Power Down, LLC, we are committed to helping Fort Collins business owners navigate the entire LED energy efficient lighting retrofitting process. We’ll happily walk you through the projected return on investment your business will enjoy, take over applying for city and federal energy tax credits, and, of course, supply and install your LED lights. Now is the time to invest in energy efficient lights nationwide, but nowhere is that more true than right here in Fort Collins!

Contact us today to request a free LED retrofitting quote for your business!